Are you as busy as you think? I’m not.

When I first got married, I was busy. I had a job and a wife and at one point I had two jobs. Then we had our first kid, and I was busy. Then our second kid came, I was starting up a new organization, and I was busier than ever. Fast forward today and here is what I’m looking at:

  • Kid number 5 is due in about 30 days.
  • I manage a company I co-founded.
  • I manage opps for a nonprofit I co-founded.
  • I’m working on a masters degree.
  • I’m assistant coaching my son’s team.
  • I’m writing daily.
  • I’m leading a class at my church.

I’m sure that list sounds intimidating, but honestly it isn’t. I’m not busy, but I am strategic with my time.

I think that America has an obseesion with being busy. When we aren’t busy, we feel like we are. And, when someone asks how we are doing the first thing that comes to mind is, “I’m busy.” I’m guilty of this.

But, when I look at what I have to do in a given week I realize that I’m not nearly as busy as I like to think. Yes, I have a lot to do. Yes, I do need to be strategic with my time. But, there is enough time to get it all done if I’m willing to do what is necessary, and sacrifice what is not.

Even with all of the stuff on my plate I still manage to watch TV, just a little less than in the past. I still have a day off each week to rest and recharge. I still have fun with family and friends.

I’m convinced now more than ever that a person can do a lot and make a huge impact while feeling less busy than the average American. For most of us business is a mindset, not a reality.

photo credit: Respite via photopin (license)

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