Last Saturday, we loaded up the kids and went to a friend’s garage sale. We don’t need more stuff; we went to say thank you. This friend’s young daughter knew her family was having a garage sale and asked her mom if she could set up a lemonade stand to raise money for our adoption. How amazing is that little girl!
From there, we headed over to another friend’s house. He has a Suburban he is looking to sell and suggested that our family borrow it to see if that type of vehicle will work for us. This was huge because our current minivan, though it seats 8, has virtually no storage capacity and won’t be able to carry all eight of us, plus a wheelchair and a walker. There may even be a way we can buy his Suburban, which would be amazing because its way out of our league.
From our last adoption journey to this one, so many people have stepped in to help that its humbling. We have had runners do races to raise funds, friends help with garage sales, found money in envelopes in our mailbox with no name on it, been given plane tickets, beds, clothes and so many other wonderful things. We have even had several individuals cut checks for $1,000 and more, which blows me away every time.
The help of our community is so profound that I honestly don’t know how to respond to it. I’m honored to have so many amazing people share in our lives and journey. I’m amazed to see how many people love us and love orphans. I’m encouraged by the generosity of our community.
To all of you who read or listen to my work, thank you. To all of you who give to us, or anyone else, thank you. To all of you who take the time to care for someone that you could choose to overlook, thank you. You are making an impact!
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash