About a month ago, one of my daughter’s closest friends was killed in a single car accident. No one knows what happened, just that Michael Powell was on his way home from work and never made it.
Micheal was one of those special kids you hope your daughter will marry someday. He was hilarious, kind, hard-working, and above all, giving. One of my favorite stories about him was how he loved people experiencing homelessness and would make them care packages that he could give out when he saw them.
This week, on our family vacation, my daughter and her friend (also a friend of Michael’s) decided to continue that legacy. While on vacation at the beach, they took the time to go to Walmart and buy bottled water, snacks, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other goods. And, to top it off, they hand-wrote a card that said, “Recently our friend Michael Powell passed away. He loved to give care packages to people that need them. We are continuing that for him.” Then when we went to walk downtown, instead of looking at shops, they were carrying heavy care packages and looking for people to help.
That is what a legacy should look like. Not money, houses, or cars. Not silly stories or crazy parties. Not fame or trophies. Love. Love for others is the best legacy we can leave.