Simple, Effective Marketing

I'm Adam. Husband. Father of five. Wearer of fedoras. I create content about how to make marketing simple and effective.

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Simple, Effective Marketing

I'm Adam. Husband. Father of six. Wearer of fedoras. I create content about how to make marketing simple and effective.

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The 3 Item Challenge – Introduction

Lately, I have been troubled by the quantity of items I own. My closet is overflowing with clothes I don't wear. My bedside table drawer is filled with junk that is...

Weird traditions create great culture (a family story)

Last year on vacation at Gulf Shores I stood on the balcony and noticed a cool pier down the beach. So, for one of our family activities, I suggested that...

Why I blog

I blog for my kids. I want them to know what I'm about, what I think and how I live. I want my kids and their kids to be able...

People are so interesting

Thursday afternoon I dropped off our family can at the dealership and caught the shuttle back to my house. The guy that drove me home was Misal. Misal is an...

The impression you leave

I was at the baseball field last week watching my son's game when I heard a voice from behind me say, "Excuse me?" I turned around to see a man...

My Strange Path to Entrepreneurship

Yesterday, I took a walk with my friend Jeff to get some advice. During the walk, he asked me about my job history and seemed fascinated by some of the...

How you do anything is how you do everything

I first heard this quote on "The Go-Giver Podcast" and am taken with it. How you do anything is how you do everything. It's a simple idea, but profound. If...

To be a good leader, start by saying no

I don't like to say no. In fact, one of our new team members at Sideways8 has taken to calling me the "yes" man and my business partner as the...

How certain do you need to be to jump?

How certain do you need to be to take a risk? Do you need absolute certainty, say 95% chance that it will succeed? Do you need minimal certainty, say 25%...