I am posting most of my writing on Medium for a bit, to see how I like that platform. If you want to follow me on Medium, you can find my profile here.
In the meantime, here are the posts you missed.
Half of what you know is wrong — according to Science
In this article, I talk about the half-life of facts, what that means, and what we can do about it. If you love to learn, this is a good one for you.
I’m a dad of 6, I’m not a great person, and I don’t like kids
When people find out I’m adopting a second child from China, they often say, “wow, you are such a great person.” I’m not sure that’s fully accurate. I think most people do great things to help society, this is just what I’m doing in this moment.
Why positive relationships matter, and how to start creating them
We have all been stuck with friends that bring us down. Let’s stop doing that! In this article I talk about why positive relationships really matter, and how we can work to create more of them.
The painful truth about pre-adoption and the hope it brings
We are adopting from China, and our adoption has been delayed due to the Corona Virus. This post talks about the pain of waiting for adoption, but also some of the hope brought to our family through our community.
Why Inspiring Happiness May be the Most Important Thing
At Dragon Army, our purpose is to inspire happiness. I think this may be one of the most important things we will do in our lives. Here’s why.
4 Reasons I Love my Long Commute
I’m not kidding, I love my commute. I learn and grow and connect and it’s fantastic. Here are four reasons why.
Photo by Jason Wong on Unsplash