Simple, Effective Marketing

I'm Adam. Husband. Father of five. Wearer of fedoras. I create content about how to make marketing simple and effective.

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Simple, Effective Marketing

I'm Adam. Husband. Father of six. Wearer of fedoras. I create content about how to make marketing simple and effective.

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Thankful for Unexpected Help

Last Saturday, we loaded up the kids and went to a friend's garage sale. We don't need more stuff; we went to say thank you. This friend's young daughter knew...

The OODA Loop I’m teaching my kids… and myself

My kids need situational awareness. They focus on the wrong things at the wrong time, get lost in thought when they should be present, and interrupt conversations when they should...

Mean People are Withering Trees

School has just started, and already mean people invade our lives. Each of my kids has come home with a story about being made fun of, bullied, or left out....

A-Bomb Summer and The Value of Embracing Change

Our family refers to this summer as A-Bomb Summer. It's the summer when everything blew up, changing all at once! Here is a quick list of all of our shifts...

What I’ve Learned from Doing Good

More than anything, when my life is near its end, I want to be able to look back and know I have done good in the world. I want my...

A fresh start, grand horizon, and lack of tunnel vision

I'm wrapping up my first full week as a part of the Dragon Army team. If you didn't see my last post, Sideways8 was recently acquired by Dragon Army! This...

My next step professionally

As of today, there is no more Sideways8, and I couldn't be more excited. We have been acquired by Dragon Army, one of the fastest-growing agencies in Atlanta, which also...

I started a micro-podcast

I recently created a micro-podcast. It's my fourth podcast, so I seem to have a bit of an obsession. It's called The Slowdown, and it's a concise podcast about slowing...

Crushing Busyness – Part 4 – The 2-Minute Rules

Two 2-minute rules are critical to my productivity. The first is from the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. James talks about creating habits that are less than 2-minutes long....