Simple, Effective Marketing

I'm Adam. Husband. Father of five. Wearer of fedoras. I create content about how to make marketing simple and effective.

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Simple, Effective Marketing

I'm Adam. Husband. Father of six. Wearer of fedoras. I create content about how to make marketing simple and effective.

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Why I’m Done with “Experts,” and Hope You Are Too

Yesterday, I saw a TikTok video of an "expert" claiming that blending up a banana changes its glycemic index. Blending and chewing a banana are the same thing; his claim...

How Business Owners Can Use Social Listening to Better Understand Their Customers

Ever wonder what your customers really think? Social listening is like being a fly on the wall giving you insight into your customers. Here's how to tune in: Keep an...

How to test paid ads to get leads

If you own a small business, you have likely considered using paid ads to get leads but need to know where to start. Here is a quick primer to get...

What things would guarantee success if you were to do them for long enough?

Knowing the right things to do, doing the right things, and doing the right things for long enough to see success are different. I often know what to do, but...

How to Kick-start Your Content Marketing This Week

Content marketing is about enriching your audience's lives, not just selling. Here’s a quick guide to get started: Choose a Medium Choose a medium you're comfortable with—articles, videos, infographics—and start...

5 reasons your marketer isn’t getting results

Marketing should lead to results. But it often doesn't. I've often seen it with younger marketers in smaller companies, working very hard but only progressing a little. CEOs, here are...

Process is the scaffolding to support growth

You will not get your company to the next level by keeping your processes in your head and winging it as you go. Gino Wickman - Traction Too many leaders...

Great marketing requires making an offer they can’t refuse

Great marketing requires making an offer they can't refuse. Insert obligatory Godfather reference here that people under 35 won't get (unless they have amazing taste in movies). We are marketers...

Leadership is about hacking, but not the kind you think

"It is not daily increase but daily decrease, hack away the unessential. The closer to the source, the less wastage there is. Bruce Lee We often think about leadership as...